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Fiat Ducato Motorhome

Friday, November 23 2018

Looking  for a Barbecue  for your motorhome  ??
Our choice without a doubt is a weber baby Q - the model with the thermometer on the lid -
this is ideal as it has a drop down lid in high winds and  it fits a full chicken
Very important to purchase a trivet  and foil tray at the time - place the chicken on the trivet - put the lid down and approx 1.20 min later it is golden brown colour and succulent 

Do i need a gas outlet  for my barbecue  on my motorhome  ?
We advise not - the reason is that you are very limited  in that one place with a gas outlet on your motorhome  ,
you are better off not to have one  - you can guarantee the wind could change  once your barbecue is going and you could be all smoked out  in your motorhome , your best bet is to get a second gas bottle and you can place this outside where ever you want away from the wind.
If you still insist we can fit one - we will advise on price  

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